Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Definition of a beat

Word Origin Old Englishbēatan, of Germanic origin. Beat implies the giving of repeated blows: to beat a rug. What does the name beat mean?

To hit is usually to give a single blow, definitely directed: to hit a ball. To pound is to give heavy and repeated blows, often with the fist: to pound a nail, the table. To strike is to give one or more forceful blows suddenly or swiftly: to strike a gong.

In music, a beat is a unit of measurement. The number of beats in a bar of a piece of music is indicated by two numbers at the beginning of the piece. If you beat eggs, cream, or butter, you mix them thoroughly using a fork or beater.

Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken. An example of beat is a person who has just worked hours on his feet. Beat is defined as a rhythmic movement, or is the speed at which a piece of music is played.

The beat is often defined as the rhythm listeners would tap their toes to when listening to a piece of music, or the numbers a musician counts while performing, though in practice this may be technically incorrect. Deadbeat definition is - loafer.

How to use deadbeat in a sentence. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun Bosé has frequently been bashed as a deadbeat on social media since his arrears became public and moved to Mexico two months after the black list was published. Definition of beat in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Meaning of beat as a legal term. England needed to beat Germany to get to the final.

The word beat usually means to strike something with an object. To beat means to rapidly stir a batter to thoroughly incorporate the ingredients along with air. With tuning instruments that can produce sustained tones, beats can be readily recognized. In acoustics, a beat is an interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different frequencies, perceived as a periodic variation in volume whose rate is the difference of the two frequencies. Beaten definition is - hammered into a desired shape.

Most people cannot explain it. This video will clarify the difference. The BEAT , a new tax under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, limits the ability of multinational corporations to shift profits from the United States by making deductible payments to their affiliates in low-tax countries. A “ beat sheet” is a type of outline where each “ beat ” is an individual unit of plot. So a beat sheet is an outline made with the specific purpose of breaking plot points down into their simplest forms.

The word or parenthetical “ beat ” is often used in screenwriting to signal a brief pause in a character’s speech or action. In newspaper parlance, a beat is the subject area that a reporter is assigned to cover.

Beat reporters can cover everything from local crime to a specific sports team. They develop expertise in their beat area—getting to know the right people, cultivating contacts, and earning the trust of those who have the information they need. A wave not only travels in space but it also propagates through time, so if the two waves can produce interference by overlapping in space they should also produce an interference pattern when they overlap in time, this phenomenon is called beats. The beat frequency is equal to the absolute value of the difference in frequency of the two waves.

When does Beats Occur? BEAT”) that targets certain deductions or similar tax benefits (“base erosion tax benefits”) attributable to “base erosion payments” made to foreign related parties by certain “applicable taxpayers. The apparent purpose of the BEAT is to identify and impose a special tax on entities that make payments to affiliates for intangibles and most services that substantially reduce U. That’s not on my beat. You’ll have to talk to someone else.

Man, that is just the kind of beat I like.

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